Eagle bait

8:00 AM temp: 19
Last 24 min/max: 19/38

Clear and cold this morning. Just the way we like winter.

One of the bald eagles was back this morning. We see them fly around from time to time, but usually they like to perch in some tall larch trees near the outlet to Whitefish River, not in our neighborhood. We did some exploring and found the attractant: the carcass of a young deer down by the railroad tracks.


Current temp: 35

This morning's viewing was highlighted by two bald eagles

This morning’s viewing was highlighted by two bald eagles

The binoculars are always handy on the window sill. It amazes me how much there is to see out there when I take the time to watch, and how changeable it is. Sometimes in the morning I drag a stool right up in front of the window. Today I was watching the early light interact with a rapidly moving snow squall when a bald eagle swooped

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

into view. As frequently happens, it was closely followed by several squawking crows. I wondered why crows harass eagles, and so I googled it. Apparently crows target a variety of predatory birds. The answer as to why is not simple, but this page gives a good account if you’re curious: Why Don’t Hawks Fight Back?.

The eagle came and went a few times, along with its escort of crows, and eventually a second bald eagle came along and perched in another nearby tree.

Whitefish Lake is still in good shape in terms of water quality, although studies indicate that it has been gradually degrading (a process known as cultural eutrophication) over the past decades. Lake trout, whitefish, pike, a few westslope cutthroat trout, and probably other species of fish are found in the lake…good eating if you’re an eagle.